Nov to Dec 2003


Basic Education for Afghan Refugees (BEFARe) is a bilateral project of the Federal Republic of Germany and Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The project came into being in 1989 to address the educational needs of millions of Afghan Refugees in the border regions of NWFP. BEFARe is considered as the world’s biggest emergency education project for refugees. UNHCR was the main donor to the programme and provided 86% of the total cost; the other donors are BMZ, DFID and the WB. Due to changed scenario in the region, it has been decided to transform it from the status of a project to a legal entity.  An appraisal / consultancy contract was signed between the GTZ and the K&P for transformation of BEFARe into an independent NGO.

K&P believes that by working for the betterment of humanity it will assist women, the helpless & the down trodden.

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