
K&P Consultancy Services was registered in 2003. The founding senior partner has had many years of experience working with the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and other national and international organizations / agencies. This makes K&P a leading consultancy firm in this province. The main aim of K&P is to provide quality consultancy services in the development and planning field for the national and international clients.

K&P provides planning services in health, education, drinking water projects, community development, poverty alleviation, environmental issues, irrigation, power sector, labour welfare, infrastructural development, refugee’s rehabilitation and poppy replacement projects. It also provides services for the monitoring and evaluation of on going projects. It also assists clients in their interaction with government at various levels. The firm has the capacity to render strategic advice to policy makers. The firm is equipped to provide legal advice for institution building and good governance.  It also provides training courses.

The firm is established around an expanding core of partners and professionals. The latter are hired on need basis and expertise in particular fields depending on the nature of work. The firm also has experience of work in tribal areas.

Published by criterion Quarterly 
criterian quarterly

Drivers of Radicalization & Extremism in Pakistan
Published by Criterion Quarterly 

criterian quarterly

K&P believes that by working for the betterment of humanity it will assist women, the helpless & the down trodden.

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Our Projects

Basic Education for Afghan Refugees (BEFARe) is a bilateral project of the Federal Republic of Germany and Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The project came into being in 1989 to address the educational needs of millions of Afghan Refugees in the border regions of NWFP. BEFARe is considered as the world’s biggest emergency education project for refugees. UNHCR was the main donor to the programme and provided 86% of the total cost; the other donors are BMZ, DFID and the WB. Due to changed scenario in the region, it has been decided to transform it from the status of a project to a legal entity.  An appraisal / consultancy contract was signed between the GTZ and the K&P for transformation of BEFARe into an independent NGO.

K&P and International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), entered into a contract to carry out a detailed analysis for Refinement of NWFP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)

 The objectives of this study are as under;

  • Review the Provincial PRSP and identify gaps and relevant sectors that have been missed out in its formulation;

    Monetize the cost of all actions/initiatives on percent and rolling basis in order to provide a clear picture of the resource requirements for implementing the programme over the next five years i.e. 2005-06 to 2010-2011.

  • Incorporate the potentials of economic development sectors like tourism, housing, industries, private sector development and natural resources for their significance in elevating poverty in the province.

  • Review the Millennium Development Goals and to identify relationship between MDGs and provincial PRSP indicators leading to implementation of MDGs at provincial level.

  • Incorporating environment and gender in PRSP as a cross cutting theme that clearly demonstrates the interdependency of both sectors with poverty in the over all context of livelihood improvement as well as establishing linkage between the root cause of poverty, natural resource management, and the role of women in the existing natural resource management practices.

  • Indicate the missing links between the national and provincial PRSP and capture the impact of Mid Term Development Framework 2005-10 and also to devise a mechanism for linking them.

    Formulate a refined version of the Provincial PRSP in the light of the above mentioned tasks so that it represents a Provincial Mid Term Development Plan up to 2010.

    K&P has organized a strong team for under taking this work., which is under execution.

January 2006

The Ministry of Railways requested K&P to undertake an initial concept study of a commercially viable rail link between Peshawar and Jalalabad.  The concept paper including a preliminary rail link has been submitted to the ministry.


K&P arranged and provided consultancy services to World Vision Pakistan an international nonprofit organization for a two days workshop for parliamentarians in NWFP under the Project.  The workshop was managed and organized by K&P.  The workshop was led by Mr. Etsko Schuetima, a leading leadership trainer from South Africa.

MAIN STREAMING DISABILITY INTO GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES (Christoffel Blindenmission and Pakistan Institute for Community Ophthalmology)

Feb 2006

On 8th October, 2005, a massive earthquake struck northern Pakistan leaving thousands dead, millions homeless and countless thousands with profound physical and mental trauma. The scale and complexity of this disaster – far greater than the 2004 Asian Tsunami – meant that disability concerns were at risk of being marginalized or overlooked. To help focus attention and mobilize action around the needs of disabled persons. Christoffel Blindenmission and Pakistan Institute for Community Ophthalmology held a one day meeting on 8 of February in Islamabad, four months after the devastating quake. The main goal of meeting was to strengthen disability inclusion in relief and development responses to the South Asia Earthquake. K&P has been requested to recommend measures for implementing the above outcome.

Feb-March 2006

The Pakistan Institute of Community Ophthalmology  (PICO), international eye NGOs  Christoffel-Blindenmission of Germany and Light of the World (LOW),  hired the services of K&P to assist in the establishment of a district headquarter hospital at Battagram in lieu of the one destroyed by the earthquake.    K&P is assisting in fulfilling the following terms of reference.

  • Obtaining clearance of ERRA for the designs for construction of DHQ Battagram including an eye and an orthopedic department which is to be supported by funds from the Austrian government. All designs must take into account the needs of people with disabilities and consider accessibility to the built environment.
  • Obtain the approval of the Government of NWFP / ERRA in the form of an MOU permitting the construction of the hospital.
  • Provide a clear roadmap to partnership outlining roles and responsibilities duly accepted by all stakeholders.

September 2005

  • K&P carried out a study / appraisal for GTZ with the following TORs.
  • To explain the mandate, role and procedure in Government organizations for obtaining foreign assistance.
  • To explain in detail the procedure for governments and line departments to obtain foreign projects assistance including the approval of different forums.
  • Identification of the powers and mandates of different forums for approval of foreign assistance.
  • To explain the meaning of concept clearance, PC-1 to PC-5; the division of jurisdiction of the various departments like Planning Commission, Finance and EAD.
  • The role of EAD in coordinating and monitoring of foreign assistance within and between Finance division Planning Commission, Federal and Provincial line agencies and district governments.
  • To prepare relevant process flow diagrams as explanation for the approval processes.

Enhancing  AID Effectiveness Through Institutional And Policy  Reform Of Pakistan

September-October 2005

K & P joined a 3 member team of experts from GTZ, the German technical assistance organization with its head office in Berlin.  The objective was to appraise the request for grant assistance for enhancing aid effectiveness through institutional and policy reform.  The others members of the team were Prof. Dr. Siegefied Schoenherr, Dr. David Nguyen-Thanh and Dr.

  • Matthias Witt (Head of mission).  The mission provided its proposals for the following.
  • Strengthening EAD’s coordination capacity
  • Training of EAD officials
  • Support for the establishment of the Donor Coordination Cell and equipment.
  • It was based on an;
  • Analysis of EAD’s internal administrative structures and procedures, identifying new challenges;
  • Analysis of the institutional  environment of EAD and its relations with other institutions and donors;
  • Preparation of a draft concept for co-operation.

The report has been accepted by GTZ and is under review by the German Government for the provision of grant assistance to Pakistan.

PLI Institutional Set-Up In Dera Ismail Khan

April-July 2005

The Project for Livelihood Improvement (PLI) and Non Formal Education Programme (NFEP) was launched in D.I.Khan, district of NWFP, by International Cooperation (IC), an International Swiss NGO in June and October 2003 respectively. The project area is characterized by extreme poverty, illiteracy, religious conservatism, gender inequality. Though PLI and NFFP were conceived separately, but during the first year of implementation, it was realized that a coherent approach was needed to create synergies between the two projects to maximize their ownership.

K&P was awarded a consultancy contract to provide solutions which would lead to the following results;

  • To ensure a legal status for the project.
  • To establish formal linkages with government to enhance collaboration
  • To prevent political interference in the project.
  • To create project ownership amongst the community.

K&P launched a team of experts which explored the potential of partnership with relevant Govt line departments by assessing their interests, current commitments and flexibility.  Potential government partners were consulted and recommendations were presented to IC’s steering committee.

Expenditure Management Of Public Investment Projects

Feb- March2005

World Bank and Issues and Policy Consultants (IPC) of Lahore, entered into a contract to carry out a study of Expenditure Management of Public Investment Projects for inclusion in the World Bank’s “NWFP Economic Report”. K & P conducted the study. The TORs of the project were as under;

  • Rules/processes and practices being followed at the planning stage of public investment projects. The various steps involved in formulating public investment projects and involvement of other stake-holders, such as NGOs and the private sector.

  • Identification of projects for inclusion in public investment budgets.

  • Developing a system of forward estimates which projects the future cost implications of existing and proposed projects and programmes.

  • Processes/steps to be followed for vetting of projects in public investment budgets.

  • Study of the issues of institutional conflict of public investment projects between different levels of government, in particular between the Provincial Government and local Government for increasing effectiveness of public investments, particularly for growth enhancement and poverty reduction.

  • Criteria used for selecting public investment projects.

  • Indication of deficient checks and balances in the process.

  • Identification of the steps/processes involved after the selection of projects to get approval for release of funds. Considering the constraints / issues at the stage of project implementation.

  • Processes/practices for selection of contractors. Methods for reduction in “leakages”, pertaining to weak governance.

  • Monitoring of projects during and after implementation and methods to improve M&E of projects.

  • K&P studied all the processes and picked a number of projects in the core areas of education, health, roads, irrigation and regional development for a more detailed study. The study identified issues and constraints in the project cycle from conception to completion. This analysis provided a summary for improving budgetary practices, capacity constraints, utilization of development funds, reducing “leakages” and raising effectiveness of public spending by better identification and targeting.  These recommendations are a part of World Bank’s NWFP Economic Report (Dec 2005).

International Organization For Migration (IOM), Out Of Country Registration And Voting Program For Afghan Presidential Elections

July to Oct 2004

K&P executed and performed a Service Contract with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for provision of Regional National Advisory services in its Out of Country Registration and Voting program for the Afghan Presidential Elections, which were held on 9th October 2004. The United Nations Assistance to Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA) was organizing these elections. This Programme was the biggest of its kind ever undertaken by an  international organization in such a short period of time.  K&P completed the assignment to the satisfaction of IOM.

Implementation Of CAPBAP In FATA


The International Organization for Migration (IOM), an international organization which deals with issues of migration and human trafficking throughout the world.  K&P developed a program called “Community Assistance Program for Border Areas Pakistan (CAPBAP)” to support the process of community strengthening through the implementation of rehabilitation and capacity building projects throughout the border districts of Baluchistan and NWFP. 

K&P facilitated the incorporation of BEFARe into an NGO and identified potential opportunities in the provincial and federal programmes where BEFARe’s expertise could be used.

K&P Profile


About Us 

More than 30 years of experience in managing the provincial governments development efforts in all major sectors, including environment, health and education.More

Contact Us 

10-C, Sifwat Ghayur Road,
University Town, telePeshawar.
Tel : 091-2601023

Email: [email protected]