Work Done by K&P Consultancy Services

As consultant (2003-06)___________________________________

  • Reviewed and recommended in a report “Alignment of Poverty Policy Framework in NWFP”, future steps for NWFP’s poverty strategy, (2006)

  • Reviewed and proposed changes in the NWFP planning processes for a study which was used by the World Bank in their Economic Report on NWFP, (2005)

  • Studied and proposed reforms in the Swiss assisted Livelihood Project in the poverty stricken region of D.I. Khan district in North West Frontier Province of Pakistan, (2005)

  • Reviewed and recommended capacity building for Pakistan’s Economics Affairs Division in collaboration with German Technical Assistance, (2005)

  • Prepared report for GTZ on “Processes & mandates in approval of foreign assisted projects in the Government of Pakistan”, (2005).

  • Prepared proposal for IOM “Community Assistance Programme for Border Areas (Tribal Areas), Pakistan”, (2004)

  • Advised UN and IOM team as senior regional advisor in implementing out of country registration of voters & elections for the Afghan Presidency ,(2004)

  • Prepared and implemented mandate for converting the world’s largest refugee organization BEFARe (Basic education for Afghan refugees) into an NGO, (2003)

K&P believes that by working for the betterment of humanity it will assist women, the helpless & the down trodden.

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