Work Done by K&P Consultancy Services
As consultant (2003-06)___________________________________
Reviewed and recommended in a report “Alignment of Poverty Policy Framework in NWFP”, future steps for NWFP’s poverty strategy, (2006)
Reviewed and proposed changes in the NWFP planning processes for a study which was used by the World Bank in their Economic Report on NWFP, (2005)
Studied and proposed reforms in the Swiss assisted Livelihood Project in the poverty stricken region of D.I. Khan district in North West Frontier Province of Pakistan, (2005)
Reviewed and recommended capacity building for Pakistan’s Economics Affairs Division in collaboration with German Technical Assistance, (2005)
Prepared report for GTZ on “Processes & mandates in approval of foreign assisted projects in the Government of Pakistan”, (2005).
Prepared proposal for IOM “Community Assistance Programme for Border Areas (Tribal Areas), Pakistan”, (2004)
Advised UN and IOM team as senior regional advisor in implementing out of country registration of voters & elections for the Afghan Presidency ,(2004)
Prepared and implemented mandate for converting the world’s largest refugee organization BEFARe (Basic education for Afghan refugees) into an NGO, (2003)
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