20th February-July 2006
K&P and International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), entered into a contract to carry out a detailed analysis for Refinement of NWFP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)
The objectives of this study are as under;
Review the Provincial PRSP and identify gaps and relevant sectors that have been missed out in its formulation;
Monetize the cost of all actions/initiatives on percent and rolling basis in order to provide a clear picture of the resource requirements for implementing the programme over the next five years i.e. 2005-06 to 2010-2011.
Incorporate the potentials of economic development sectors like tourism, housing, industries, private sector development and natural resources for their significance in elevating poverty in the province.
Review the Millennium Development Goals and to identify relationship between MDGs and provincial PRSP indicators leading to implementation of MDGs at provincial level.
Incorporating environment and gender in PRSP as a cross cutting theme that clearly demonstrates the interdependency of both sectors with poverty in the over all context of livelihood improvement as well as establishing linkage between the root cause of poverty, natural resource management, and the role of women in the existing natural resource management practices.
Indicate the missing links between the national and provincial PRSP and capture the impact of Mid Term Development Framework 2005-10 and also to devise a mechanism for linking them.
Formulate a refined version of the Provincial PRSP in the light of the above mentioned tasks so that it represents a Provincial Mid Term Development Plan up to 2010.
K&P has organized a strong team for under taking this work., which is under execution.
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