About Khalid Aziz & Partners Consultancy Services

Experience of the Senior Partner Mr. Khalid Aziz_______________

More than 30 years of experience in managing the provincial governments development efforts in all major sectors, including environment, health and education. Handling project approvals worth more than Rs 8 billion a year. Proposal formulation for narrowing financial gaps through innovation, resulting in privatization of state services and community participation. Creating greater ownership of projects and better monitoring and control. Sponsoring plans and projects to the multilateral and bi-lateral partners like the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and others. Introducing international NGO’s like the IUCN into NWFP and Pakistan’s development effort. Mainstreaming environmental and natural resource management concerns into government policies.  Proposing and implementing rehabilitation and development related activities, in the Afghan refugee areas. Initiating projects for poppy crop substitution. He has an outstanding record in leadership of multi-disciplinary teams and fostering cooperation amongst all the stake holders. He has made major contribution in the field of good governance.


 Personal Data_______________________________________________

Address: 10-C Railway Road, University Town,
Peshawar. NWFP, Pakistan.
Ph No: 00-92-91-5841329
Fax   : 00-92-91-5843900
Email: [email protected]
Address: 10 Railway Road, University Town, Peshawar, Pakistan.


 Education Background_______________________________________

  • Studied Politics, Philosophy & Economics, Oxford University, 1967- 69.
  • M.Phil, Development Studies, Cambridge University (1981).
  • M.A Political Science, Peshawar University (1967).
  • Attended numerous other courses related to business administration and development.

 Work Experience____________________________________________

  • Chief Economist in the Planning Department of NWFP (1978), managing the departmental and provincial budget. Remained Additional Chief Secretary for more than 6 years (1990-96).  
  • Secretary, Environment Department created in January, 1992.
  • Was instrumental in creating the NWFP’s Environmental Policy, which received acclaim from donors.
  • He led the team for formulating the Provincial Conservation Strategy for the NWFP. The first international example of a Conservation Strategy at the provincial level in association with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
  • Secretary, Power Department from September, 1994 to March, 1997 and developed the hydel potential of the province. 5 projects were successfully handed over for private investment.
  • Chief Secretary to the government of the NWFP (1996-97).
  • Additional Secy, Accountability in the Prime Minister’s office (1998-99).
  • He joined an international team to formulate a strategy covering Environmental Security in NWFP, in association with IUCN and IISDN Manitoba’s Art Hanson.
  • Planned and executed in 1992, the Social Action Programme, for health, education and drinking water in NWFP, which became the model for country wide implementation by the World Bank in 1994.
  • Worked with international development agencies on several projects involving Development, Rural Water Supply, and Irrigation Projects in NWFP.
  • Chief Negotiator from NWFP for the Indus Water Accord in 1992, which distributed the waters of River Indus between the four provinces of Pakistan.
  • Drafted the Hydel Policy for Pakistan, which was accepted and announced by the Federal Government in May, 1995.
  • Was selected as Chairman of the National Mineral Policy Task Force for formulating the National Mineral Policy (1994-95).
  • Reforming / restructuring / commercializing / privatizing the activities of Government departments in NWFP including Health Policy Reform (1995).
  • He implemented adult franchise in the tribal areas of Pakistan, for the first time (1996).

Work on Good Governance matters___________________________

  • Drafted legislation on Good Governance in the NWFP.
  • Amended the NWFP Rules of Business (1996).
  • Amended the Government Servants Code of Conduct Rules bringing them in line with Good  Governance (1996-97)
  • Worked with UNDP (1995-96) on a good governance project in NWFP.
  • Member of the Prime Minister’s Accountability Cell, investigating cases of maladministration / corruption and focusing on governance matters.
  • International and national investigation of corruption cases in association with UK, USA, Swiss and Polish governments.
  • Assisted in the preparation of the Accountability Law (Ehtesab Act).
  • Initiated the process of preparing an Orderly Framework for the Resolution of Disputes between the Independent Power Producers and the Government of Pakistan, in association with the World Bank, WAPDA & PP&IB (1998-99).
  • Prepared proposals for the government regarding “Restructuring of Pakistan’s Intelligence Bureau” (Aug-99)
  • Reform recommendations to government on “Reform of the Federal Investigative Agency” (July-99)

NGO Activities______________________________________________

  • Chairperson of the “Institute of Policy Research & Training, Peshawar”. (Riport.org)


  • Cricket; played for Peshawar University; played against England in 1966; played for Authentic, Oxford 1968.
  • Golf; remained President of NWFP, Golf Association, and Vice President Pakistan Golf Federation.
  • Squash; remained vice President of the Pakistan Squash Federation

K&P believes that by working for the betterment of humanity it will assist women, the helpless & the down trodden.

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